Analyze functional need
1. Dimensioning of the project:
2. Search for information:
3. Validation of the need:
4. Why produce water in the countries in the process
of development with renewable energy?
5. For which reason people do have needs to drink
and for which reason do not have it a natural resource?
6. Which are the causes of the disappearance of the need?
7. Function of the installation:
8. Cycle life machine:
9. Identification of the constraints and functions to be filled:
Analyze functional produc
1. Introduction
2. Principle of operation
3. Technico-economic dimensioning
4. Technical dimensioning
4.1 dimension condenser 4.2 dimensioning radiative panel
4.1 dimension condenser
4.2 dimensioning radiative panel
5. Conclusion, remarks
5.1 calculations
5.2 total
5.3 Diagrams, plane installation
Solar motor TYPE III